searching for an Answer

“Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, not even if your whole world seems upset. If you find that you have wandered away from the shelter of God, lead your heart back to him quietly and simply.”

- St. Francis de Sales


It’s really not a side-note or an after-thought to education. It’s right at the centre of it – and today the enormous task was to find it, remember it, speak it and live it at DMCS.

Today we saw an increased number of anxious students …. students wanting answers about when this strange period will end. We see them searching for certainty – something consistent, dependable and unchanging. We see them longing for somewhere to rest their racing minds.

Like everyone else, we have so few answers. We don’t know what next month will look like. We don’t know how long we’ll be wearing masks. We don’t know how long the students will be separated from the other classes. We don’t know when we’ll have choir again. There is a very long list of things we don’t know.

But despite the endless list of unknowns, there is one unchanging certainty. A certainty with a Face and a Presence: Christ. The Prince of Peace. And His unchanging words, “Do Not Be Afraid”.

Our gaze remains fixed on Him - the Lighthouse of Peace amidst the fog of uncertainty. His message of peace does not waiver. His invitation to peace remains … and it is this exact message which tells us how we will carry on peacefully amidst this storm. The phrase which greets everyone who enters our front door is, “Be it known to all who enter here that CHRIST is the reason for this school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students.”

And He is the rock on which we will continue building this mission of Divine Mercy. He is the answer we will repeatedly give to our searching students. He is the place we will find our peace and confidently place our hope.